AI, VR, Online Tools Called on to Preserve and Protect Indigenous Languages
by Lee Rickwood
Artificial intelligence is being used to support more inclusive communications and a broader understanding among different cultures and language speakers.
by Lee Rickwood
Artificial intelligence is being used to support more inclusive communications and a broader understanding among different cultures and language speakers.
by Lee Rickwood
The speed at which new technology is being integrated into police activities is often faster than the pace of legislators passing rules and regulations meant to govern it use.
by Lee Rickwood
There’s a powerful new emergency location tool from Google, and a way to request personal information be removed from search results.
by Lee Rickwood
TikTok is one of various social media platforms now taking steps to flag, tag or otherwise label content created with artificial intelligence.
By Christine Persaud
What can you get the dad who has everything? As it turns out, plenty when it comes to tech.
by Lee Rickwood
The local tech community, members of the general public, and all other interested parties are being asked for their input as the City of Toronto shapes the future of free public Wi-Fi services in the city.
By Christine Persaud
As many companies refocus their efforts on sustainability across the board in tech, we expect to see more and more computing accessories taking advantage of the trend.
by Lee Rickwood
An emerging era in digital sports technology is bringing better ways to treat brain injury and concussion, and Canadians are leading the way.