About Lee Rickwood
Lee Rickwood covers developments in media and technology with particular interest in how such developments affect our social, political and economic activities and interactions.
One could find many reasons to be tired, anxious or moody these days. Personal, professional, political. But there’s a Canadian app maker offering a healthy response: Take a deep breath. Drink plenty of water. The App Store award-winning developer Llama…
One’s a 30-year-old gaming studio that was almost an accidental success story in a competitive global market. Another is an anonymous developer who seems happiest out of the spotlight, but whose game is now a worldwide phenomenon. Both sound so…
by Lee Rickwood
rSIM strengthens connectivity for Canadian businesses, enabling them to operate more effectively in Canada’s rapidly evolving marketplace.
Skiing, shipbuilding…and seniors? Collingwood is known, among other things, for its recreational opportunities. But it’s also home to two companies offering valuable tech-related products and services to senior citizens in Ontario, across Canada, and in the U.S.
by Lee Rickwood
Internet and mobile phone services are growing at a “brisk” rate in Canada, and major telecom and satellite players want to see them grow even faster. Count among them Elon Musk and Doug Ford.
by Lee Rickwood
Most social media platforms are run by strong-willed billionaires with what often seems to be their own shifting priorities and principles. There’s a movement to change that.
by Lee Rickwood
There’s little doubt the sophistication and capabilities of technology designed to support seniors is increasing on a daily basis through the efforts of companies like these, and many others.
by Lee Rickwood
These high-tech tables display life-size digitized versions of human bodies for an accurate 3-D representation and simulation of real anatomy, physiology, and pathology.