About Lee Rickwood
Lee Rickwood covers developments in media and technology with particular interest in how such developments affect our social, political and economic activities and interactions.
By Lee Rickwood
Emerging technologies like extended reality, artificial intelligence, and fifth generation wireless connectivity (XR, AI, 5G) are transforming the media, entertainment, and gaming industries,.
by Lee Rickwood
Now more than ever we need smart food policies that strengthen food security, drive economic growth, and support the resilience of Canadian agriculture.
by Lee Rickwood
Efforts large and small are underway to build a new social media environment, one where governance of the system ensures it operates in the public interest, not a private one.
by Lee Rickwood
Canadians are expecting new drone regulations that could open up a multi-million-dollar opportunity for businesses and investors.
“You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows” sang Bob Dylan in his iconic song, Subterranean Homesick Blues. * But one might help if you are diabetic. Perhaps “the sky has lost control” as Barbara Streisand…
By Lee Rickwood
One could find many reasons to be tired, anxious or moody these days. Personal, professional, political. But there’s a Canadian app maker offering a healthy response: Take a deep breath. Drink plenty of water. The App Store award-winning developer Llama…
One’s a 30-year-old gaming studio that was almost an accidental success story in a competitive global market. Another is an anonymous developer who seems happiest out of the spotlight, but whose game is now a worldwide phenomenon. Both sound so…
by Lee Rickwood
rSIM strengthens connectivity for Canadian businesses, enabling them to operate more effectively in Canada’s rapidly evolving marketplace.