Want new Tweeps? Google ’em!

By: Tim Teatro

April 19, 2010

googlefollow2On Wednesday, Google unveiled the new and experimental Google Follow Finder on the official Google Blog. The service allows you to  type in someone’s Twitter name. The giant computers at Google labs then spin to life and generate two lists: (1.) a list of people you might like to follow based on the name you typed in, and (2.) people who have a following similar to the person who’s name you typed in.

The Google Blog summarises it well:

The lists in Google Follow Finder are generated using public following and follower lists on Twitter. For example, if you follow CNN and the New York Times on Twitter, and most people who follow CNN and the New York Times also tend to follow TIME, we’ll suggest TIME as a “Tweep you might like.” The list of “Tweeps with similar followers” is simply a list of accounts with similar follower lists to yours.

I’ve tried it with a few people, and it works as advertised. If you’re an avid Tweet watcher, then this is a no-brainer for you. Happy Tweeting!

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