iLove my iPad, but I will be the first to admit that when I first heard about it I wasn’t so sure if it was for me. But the geekette in me started to drool when I saw the iPad in person at a conference in Chicago. Thankfully the iPad owner gave me a tour and let me play with it. Whew! That was fun!

Much more fun than physiotherapy
If you don’t own an iPad yet, run to the Apple store and play with one now! Of course, like a puppy, as soon as you pick one up you’ll want to bring it home! Check out this video Ted Kritsonis made for WhatsYour for tips on how to form the relationship.
In the meantime here are my top reasons why an iPad makes Canadian women iRoar!
Replaces your laptop and less to pack!
Many clients have been asking if they can use the iPad instead of their laptop. This depends on what you need your laptop for and if there are apps for what you need (most likely there is an app for that!). If you are attending a conference or meeting out of town, and all you need is email and a place to take notes, then the iPad will do the trick.
Reduces strain on your shoulders and gives you a reason to shop!
In 1999 I would drag my heavy laptop through airports while on my way to battle the Y2K bug! What followed 6 months of travel and almost 100 flights was three months of physiotherapy on my shoulders and back. Your iPad is super light and fits in your purse. Most of you ladies, have humungo purses that have weighed you down, perhaps its time to buy a smaller purse now that you don’t have to shove your laptop in it!
Get caught up on your reading!
How many pdfs and ebooks have you purchased or downloaded this year alone? You may have downloaded them with the intention of reading them but never do. Who has the time to read them? We lead such busy and fulfilling lives right? Well, I found that my love of ebooks has grown since I put my hands on my own iPad. Reading on the iPad is different from reading on my laptop for some reason, perhaps because of its size it feels like a book. Fill your iPad with your ebooks, grab a coffee and get caught up on your reading on your deck. Although you “never have time” you will find the time to read now that you’ll look super cool reading from your iPad.
You will find the iBookstore lacking, especially if you love business books like I do. I suggest you purchase the “GoodReader” app to read and manage your ebooks/pdfs. With GoodReader you can input the download url of a pdf and it will download it and store it in your library.
If you are not sure if the iPad will indeed make your iRoar, then head over to Apple and play with one. You’ll be roaring in no time!
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