Category: Business

Tech Gear to Set Up a Backyard Office

By Christine Persaud
For those who are working from home, the nice weather can make it tempting to slack off. When you’re in an office, you are stuck in that office. But in your own home? If you’re like me, you might like to move the home office outside every now and then to get some sun. But what gear do you need to allow this to happen?

AI for IT Operations (AIOps) to Address Pandemic Pressures

By Yasmin Ranade
Before and even more so now during the pandemic, CIOs and IT leaders are managing new capacity increases, security demands, and, in some cases critical, life-saving applications. It is essential how optimized technological performance enables the digital applications that power daily lives.

Tech You Didn’t Think You Needed Until Now

By Christine Persaud
When the coronavirus pandemic hit and companies were scrambling to figure out how employees could keep working, suddenly those work-from-home policies they were against became the biggest regret. Today, many people are doing their jobs from the comfort of their homes.