Category: Featured

Think you know audio? TAVES will show you a thing or two

By Ted Kritsonis

The Toronto Audio Video Entertainment Show (TAVES) in Toronto is about a month away on November 1-3, and attendees can expect to see some of the best in home audio products and technologies. Seasoned audiophiles will feel right at home, while newcomers might hear a level of quality their ears have never experienced.

Small Bluetooth speakers vie for supremacy amidst tight competition

By Ted Kritsonis

Bluetooth speakers do come in different shapes and sizes, and as competition heats up between various brands, it’s the smaller models that take up the least amount of space that make it so hard to decide on the best one for you.

Streaming music apps supplanting traditional forms for music discovery

By Ted Kritsonis

Pandora and Spotify are arguably the most popular streaming music platforms in the world, but neither are available in Canada, thus highlighting alternative apps and services that personalize music to your tastes to make it easier to discover new songs and artists that you might not have otherwise known about.

Rogers taps Vodafone exec to be new CEO

By Ted Kritsonis

Rogers will be going through a leadership transition now that the company’s board has unanimously approved the appointment of former Vodafone executive, Guy Laurence, as the new CEO to replace the retiring Nadir Mohamed.