Category: Trending

Apple iPhone 5c and 5s reviewed

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla Apple’s new iPhones, the colourful and consumer-focused iPhone 5c, as well as the forward-thinking iPhone 5s, are forking Apple’s one -iPhone per year strategy. Here’s how they stack up.

Let’s bring more tech into the lives of girls!

By Tanya Bennet Within the last few years it seems that the lack of women in technology has slowly become a front runner in the “we need to fix it category”. There are, indeed, a multitude of articles about it,…

Rogers taps Vodafone exec to be new CEO

By Ted Kritsonis

Rogers will be going through a leadership transition now that the company’s board has unanimously approved the appointment of former Vodafone executive, Guy Laurence, as the new CEO to replace the retiring Nadir Mohamed.