Will Canada Deliver on Drone Delivery Opportunities?
by Lee Rickwood
Canadians are expecting new drone regulations that could open up a multi-million-dollar opportunity for businesses and investors.
by Lee Rickwood
Canadians are expecting new drone regulations that could open up a multi-million-dollar opportunity for businesses and investors.
“You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows” sang Bob Dylan in his iconic song, Subterranean Homesick Blues. * But one might help if you are diabetic. Perhaps “the sky has lost control” as Barbara Streisand…
By Christine Persaud
Research continues about how to leverage tech for health care from both a practitioner and consumer level. The intersection of health care and technology is one of the most valuable ways we can leverage technological innovation.
By Lee Rickwood
One could find many reasons to be tired, anxious or moody these days. Personal, professional, political. But there’s a Canadian app maker offering a healthy response: Take a deep breath. Drink plenty of water. The App Store award-winning developer Llama…
by Lee Rickwood
There’s little doubt the sophistication and capabilities of technology designed to support seniors is increasing on a daily basis through the efforts of companies like these, and many others.
by Lee Rickwood
These high-tech tables display life-size digitized versions of human bodies for an accurate 3-D representation and simulation of real anatomy, physiology, and pathology.
by Lee Rickwood
Two Canadian app developers are independently interacting with mental health therapists, health care providers and those seeking help as they fine-tune their offerings for general release.
by Lee Rickwood
Researchers, authors, and new technology platforms document how art impacts brain function, thinking, and emotions.