Tag: technology

What’s next in iOS 11 and Android O?

New iPhones and Google Pixel devices are expected in the coming months and with them improved software functionality. Here are some of the expected updates in iOS 11 and the Android O

Data Privacy, NAFTA Negotiations, and the Canadian Cloud

Data Privacy, NAFTA Negotiations, and the Canadian Cloud

by Lee Rickwood
These days, both individual and institutional data needs to be available anywhere, anytime, and it needs to be safely and securely protected from any number of inappropriate or illegal actors.

6 Cool Gadgets for the Hot Summer

By Christine Persaud
As you get ready to enjoy some fun in the sun, here are 6 great gadgets worth bringing along to enhance the experience.

VR goes mainstream at the Rec Room in Toronto’s Roundhouse

THE VOID combines interactive sets, virtual reality, real-time effects and gear to create an experience that goes beyond reality. The state-of-the-art experience is launching with Ghostbusters: Dimension, which turns guests into Ghostbusters, transporting them to New York City to track and trap ghosts while engaging all the senses with sights, sounds, smells and motions.