Jay Rosenzweig, Managing Partner, Rosenzweig & Company
While there’s still plenty of work to be done to achieve true gender equality in the workplace, the new Rosenzweig Report points to some interesting data suggesting that we’re well on our way. According to the global talent management firm’s Report, 8.5% of the highest-paid executive positions in Canada are currently held by women.
While this figure doesn’t sound all that staggering, it is when you consider that the number has doubled from just 10 years ago when the first study was commissioned. Given this, Rosenzweig says the company is “more hopeful, more excited, or more energized about the fact that real and lasting change is coming.”
Jay Rosenzweig, Managing Partner of Rosenzweig& Company, feels we’re at a ‘tipping point” toward gender equality in business. He points to recent events in Canada that are helping to further signify change. For example, the Comply or Explain regulations put in place by the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) at the beginning of this year ask companies listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange to report how many women they have on their board of directors and in executive positions. The idea is clearly not to force any hands, but to bring to light issues that may have not otherwise been recognized. If a company’s reported number of female executive involvement is low or worse, non-existent, that may help encourage another look at the business.
There are other initiatives to help the cause, too, like the MasterCard Women in Entrepreneurship Program at Ryerson University, the Canadian Government’s Advisory Council for Promoting Women on Boards, and ongoing events like Dell’s Women’s Entrepreneur Network Conference.
“…Never have I felt more hopeful that real change is in the air and gender will have nothing to do with people reaching or not reaching leadership positions in Canadian business,” says Rosenzweig.
The Rosenzweig report, which has been released every year for the past 10, tracks the 100 largest publicly-traded companies in Canada, based on revenue. It examines how many of the top-paid leadership roles are held by women.
Rosenzweig has three offices in Canada – one in Toronto, Calgary, and Montreal – as well as several other offices around the world.
The report is entitled the Report on Women at the Top Level of Corporate Canada.
Jay Rosenzweig, Managing Partner of Rosenzweig& Company, has a son and two daughters, and says he hopes all three of his kids will have the same opportunities when they get older.