Video: LastPass, easy and crucial password app

By: Steve Dotto

September 29, 2012

One of the things I constantly harp on (along with the need to back up) is the need to have a good, efficient password strategy. This is easier said than done! Most people have one or two “go to” passwords, and riff off those with some simple variations. There are several problems with this approach. It is inefficient, as you tend to go through the whole list of possible passwords when you visit most any site. Second, and far more important, is if anyone hacks one, they are pretty close to having the keys to the who cupboard. A good password manager will solve both problems. OnePassword is probably the most popular option, and indeed it is a superb choice. This demo is of LastPass, very similar to OnePassword, but less expensive. have a look and let us know what you think.

Steve Dotto is host of DottoTech a weekly podcast and radio show about all things technology related.

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