Search Results for: hiring

Tips on Searching For a New Job

By Christine Persaud
There’s a disproportionate number of people looking versus hiring, but also, in some cases, a disconnect. The right hiring candidates aren’t finding the right job seekers and vice versa.

Tech for Tax Time

By Christine Persaud
According to a new survey by Intuit, nearly three in four (74%) Generation Z individuals say they know how to make a budget and track their income, but haven’t done it. Doing so can not only help improve your financial health, it can also put you in a better position come tax time. And so can plenty of other technologies.

What is “Career Cushioning?”

By Christine Persaud
If the buzzwords in the business space a few months ago were quiet quitting and quiet firing, the latest term to take the business world by storm is “career cushioning.” You might have heard the term in passing, but what does it really mean?