Author Archives: Christine Persaud

Ubisoft & the Absence of the Female Game Character

By Christine Persaud
Last month at E3 in California, game maker Ubisoft found itself in trouble after addressing concerns about the absence of female game characters in its latest online edition of Assassin’s Creed (ironically called Unity), as well as Far Cry 4. The company justified the moves by indicating that it would have taken too much time and money to add a female character.

Effective Leaders Are Adopting More Female Attributes

By Christine Persaud
The idea of a strong leader has always been equated to traits like confidence, control, and the avoidance of showing signs of weakness. But, according to a new study, that’s changing. And the most effective leaders, whether male or female, are adopting more traditionally female-centric qualities.

How Women Use Social Media Differently

By Christine Persaud

When it comes to technology, clear gender differences exist in the way we shop, what we buy, and how we use products. The same rings true with social media: there’s a marked difference in how women use the popular services versus men.

5 Essential Apps for Business Women

By Christine Persaud

Obviously, apps aren’t really geared toward one sex or the other, unless they’re specific to biological functioning. But there are certain mobile productivity apps that, while having equal appeal to both males and females, can prove especially useful for the tech-savvy businesswoman. Here are 5 in particular that stand out.

Dr. Nadia Shouraboura, Founder & CEO of Hointer on Her Time in Tech

By Christine Persaud
Dr. Nadia Shouraboura is the CEO of tech-savvy retailer Hointer. Born in Soviet Russia, she started out as a software development engineer. She holds a PhD in mathematics from Princeton, where she was offered a full scholarship. During that time, she conducted research at AT&T Bell Labs and co-founded Starlight Multimedia.

4 Ways Women are Digging Deeper into the Gaming Industry

By Christine Persaud
It’s long been believed that the typical serious gamer is male, aged 18-34. (The Entertainment Software Association says the average age of today’s gamer is 30. The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) actually pegs that sweet spot age at 34.) So it comes as no surprise that game creators are tailoring to that audience.

Key Tech Inventions by Women

By Christine Persaud
From the chocolate chip cookie to the circular saw, women have been credited with inventing some of the most important (and tastiest!) creations in history. And in some cases, they may deserve credit where they didn’t get any.

The Future of SMS

By Christine Persaud
A decade ago, Short Messaging Service (SMS), better known as “texts,” were the only alternative we had to voice for connecting via mobile devices. Today, it’s joined by many other options. Yet people are still sending texts like wildfire.