Face the Music: Facial Recognition Plans Dropped by Concert Promoters, Music Venues
Companies planning to use facial recognition technology have had to face the music after protests from musicians and fans alike.
by Lee Rickwood
Companies planning to use facial recognition technology have had to face the music after protests from musicians and fans alike.
by Lee Rickwood
by Lee Rickwood
Seeing privacy as a kind of natural resource brings the discussion right up to date. Our natural environment is in jeopardy, too,
by Lee Rickwood
Political machinations. Technical challenges. Regulatory hurdles. Spectrum and bandwidth availability. Data privacy concerns. Health and safety issues. All and more may conspire to slow down 5G rollout in Canada.
A new round of public consultations about our province’s digital and data strategy opens up this week, following the release of a third discussion paper about living and working in our data-driven society. The public can learn about key digital…
by Lee Rickwood
For the oil and gas sector, there’s a potentially big payoff from big data.
by Lee Rickwood
It is surely art for our digital times: full of pop culture references, packed with familiar gadgets, sprinkled with the occasional four-letter word, Steyerl’s art describes our daily interactions with technology with great insight.
by Lee Rickwood
Research at the time showed Toronto is watched by more than 15,000 cameras – that’s like one camera for every 400 or so metropolitan residents.
by Lee Rickwood
The new Calgary Central Library is outfitted with training rooms featuring interactive white boards and touchscreen walls, audio conferencing systems and cloud-enabled information processing, storage and retrieval.