Category: Business

Media, Comms and Tech Companies Building Fossil Fuel-Free Internet

by Lee Rickwood
Initiatives aimed at achieving a fossil fuel-free Internet are coming from many sectors, including data centre operators and network systems providers; advertisers, agencies and media companies; as well as public advocacy groups and regulatory bodies.

What’s New From The Apple Event September 2022?

By Christine Persaud
Every year in September, Apple holds its annual event where fans have come to expect new products in the mobile space, including iPhones, Apple Watches, AirPods, and more. And this year, the company did not disappoint.

The Elevate Festival Intersects Tech, Arts, Athletics and Social Innovation

By Yasmin Ranade
From passionate tech and industry leaders at the forefront of innovation to those newly wading into the space of digital technology Elevate Festival 2022 is for anyone who wants to be inspired by topics that are shaping our future, like the Metaverse, NFTs, and Web 3.0.

Essential Back-to-School Tech for 2022

By Christine Persaud
When it comes to tech, there will be a few items on every student’s list that they consider essential. Here, we look at some of the back-to-school tech worth grabbing for your school-aged kids, from the later grade school years to high school and beyond.

Buying Refurbished Tech: Is It Worth It?

By Christine Persaud
While you might initially think buying refurbished is a recipe for disappointment, it can actually save you tons. You can get a higher-end product than you budget might otherwise allow, and it may very well be a new product, or at least function like new.