Category: Featured

Making Your Home Smart: Part 6 – The Bathroom

By Christine Persaud
We can all appreciate making rooms of the home like the living room, kitchen, bedroom, basement, and even the backyard smart, as discussed in the first five parts of this six-part series. And there are, believe it or not, ways to make the bathroom smart, too.

Deep Learning Summit Coming to Toronto in October

By Yasmin Ranade
The Deep Learning Summit is returning to Toronto from October 25 – 26, 2018 and will cover the latest advancements in deep learning technology.  The first ever AI for Government Summit, another event stream, will provide a unique opportunity to interact with government bodies, policymakers, strategists and directors of innovation to explore the use of machine learning to increase efficiency, reduce costs and meet the high demands of the public sector.

More Choices in the True Wireless Earbuds Market

By Christine Persaud
Headphones have evolved from earcups attached to a headband, to earbuds with thin wires, to buds attached to bands that sit around your neck or behind your head. Now, the worlds of earpiece headsets and earbuds have collided to create a new category of headphone, called “true wireless” earbuds.

Cannabis is For Women, Too, But Support is Lacking

By Christine Persaud
We’re on the heels of recreational cannabis becoming legal in Canada. And for those who support and/or use it, a particular issue is coming to light: why is the industry so male-focused?