Category: Featured

Filing your taxes the neat and tidy way this year

By Ted Kritsonis

The old saying goes that there are only two sure things in life — death and taxes. The April 30 tax deadline looms and it’s expected that more than 75% of Canadians will file their 2013 return electronically this year. If you count yourself among them, you have options to do it with a little less fuss, and some thought into getting organized for upcoming years.

The Future of SMS

By Christine Persaud
A decade ago, Short Messaging Service (SMS), better known as “texts,” were the only alternative we had to voice for connecting via mobile devices. Today, it’s joined by many other options. Yet people are still sending texts like wildfire.

Play with the Jabra Sport Wireless+ Stereo Headset

The buds ‘lock-on’ for the active athlete or fitness buff using the strap and or eargels; I had no issue with anything falling off during average activity, but then again, I did not wear them during my WWE grudge match!!

by Lee Rickwood

Checking out Samsung’s Multifunction ProXpress M3870FW office printer

Review: Samsung’s Multifunction ProXpress M3870FW office printer
Printers may not be the sexiest technology segment, and office printers, well, they’re are about as enthralling as a wood-burning fireplace, the way they look and function hasn’t changed years. Or has it?

What Does ‘Women in Tech’ Actually Mean?

By Christine Persaud
What Does ‘Women in Tech’ Actually Mean?
There are plenty of studies, stats, and infographics that suggest there aren’t enough women in tech, and women aren’t pursuing technical careers, coupled with a variety of proposed reasons as to why. But are these analyses technically (forgive the pun) correct? Or can they be misinterpreted?