Tag: Canada

Netflix’s VPN crackdown has no winners

By Ted Kritsonis

There is an irony — albeit a bitter one — when a company expands to virtually every corner of the globe, yet begins rolling out a policy of stifling access. This is the peculiar situation Netflix has found itself in this month, as it is now in 190 countries, yet begins to restrict browsing through foreign catalogues using VPN services.

Review: HP Envy 8 Note is a small 2-in-1 designed for note taking

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

The HP Envy 8 Note and keyboard combination (US $429.99) makes for a lightweight and capable tool for writing documents on Microsoft Word, managing email via Outlook or various web-based email applications and has enough power for videos and some basic games.


Are Mobile Phone Sniffers in Use by Police Forces?

By Lee Rickwood
Incoming and outgoing calls as well as text messages can be monitored and recorded, encryption keys can be extracted, and all this can happen to one or several phones simultaneously, without an owner’s knowledge or permission.

Review: Athos wearable tech shirt and shorts

By Ted Kritsonis

Wearable technology has been driven mostly by fitness bands, smartwatches and other activity trackers, but clothing is also becoming a factor. Athos has come to market with a three-piece ensemble designed to measure muscle activation during workouts, pushing the data to an app that visualizes it all in real-time.

Buying a smartwatch? Here are the latest to choose from

By Ted Kritsonis

Looking for, or intrigued at the notion of buying a smartwatch, either as a gift or for yourself? The category is still a mixed bag, but compared to last year, the added polish has made them noticeably better than the initial batch that came to market. We lined up some of the best available to you now.