Back to Hybrid – Gadgets for School, Work, Home, Office
by Lee Rickwood
In the hybrid world, we need to maintain a virtual yet fully functional presence wherever we are – and often that’s many different ‘wherevers’.
by Lee Rickwood
In the hybrid world, we need to maintain a virtual yet fully functional presence wherever we are – and often that’s many different ‘wherevers’.
by Lee Rickwood
Tens of millions of youth sports coaches, administrators, players and parents in nearly 20,000 sports organizations—across more than 200 different sports and activities—use team management apps.
by Lee Rickwood
For millions of immigrants whose personal financial worth is often represented solely by historical data, a new approach can be an empowering step towards a financially inclusive future.
by Lee Rickwood
Technology may one day be able to fulfill all our needs, but one Canadian company is dedicated to seeing that technology can fulfill our orders now.
by Lee Rickwood
Just as gas taxes help keep our roads resilient and ready for travel, digital services taxes on some emerging or untapped sources might help keep our Internet up and running.
by Lee Rickwood
It is a perfect financial storm for credit cards holders and small business operators.
by Lee Rickwood
As industry, governments and consumers seek to tackle the problem of electronic waste and rising prices, refurbishing and reusing pre-owned products is an option to carefully consider.
by Lee Rickwood
Research – and online reality – points to the need for stronger regulation and legislation that can bring action quickly and decisively on behalf of exploited children.