Tag: Cloud Computing

Taking a look at Microsoft’s Windows 10 Creators Update

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

As with most major updates, it is advisable to back up your system and ensure that you can restore it, in case anything goes wrong. Windows 10 Creators update offers incremental improvements that every user can benefit from, as well as various features that creatives and content creators will appreciate.

Canadian C2 Conference Previews the Future with Commerce and Creativity

by Lee Rickwood
What will be the next ‘moonshot’? Will the next one be colonizing Mars? Is it Hyperloop, Elon Musk’s vision for a sustainable, super-fast transportation system for the planet? What if The Future is Postponed, and not because of bad weather, but poor investment in science, research and innovation?

Understanding Apple’s Mac Pro conundrum

Apple has realized that they need to continue creating pro-level desktops, not just as cool proof of concept statements that they are still innovators, but because serious and loyal customers rely on these machines for their livelihood.

More Canadian High-Tech Developers Head to U.S.

More Canadian High-Tech Developers Head to U.S.

by Lee Rickwood
Canadian high-tech companies are heading to Boston to develop and expand their wide-ranging product and service offerings: providing cannabis products or office workstations, enhancing meetings or identifying cancers.