Tag: smartphone

iPhone 4S – the start of something big?

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Apple’s new iPhone 4S may be seen on the surface as an iterative upgrade to its predecessor, the popular iPhone 4. Same form factor, same screen size but now powered with a faster dial-core Apple A5 processor, much improved graphics performance and slightly faster Internet access speeds. However, it may be the start of something much bigger.

Is Motorola’s new RAZR cutting edge enough?

Photos and text by Ted Kritsonis

Motorola’s most popular line of phones, the RAZR, is back, only this time it has to compete in the smartphone realm. Being on hand at Tuesday’s announcement in New York, we tackle the basics on what the new-look RAZR offers and what won’t be crossing the border into Canada.

Steve Jobs helped me ‘think different’

By Ted Kritsonis

In light of Steve Jobs’ passing, there have been no shortage of articles exemplifying just how much of an impact this man had on the way people thought about technology. I count myself among them, though I didn’t really realize who he actually was until the late 1990s.

Rogers launches LTE network in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver

By Ted Kritsonis

Just shy of three months after launching its first Long Term Evolution (LTE) network in Ottawa in July, Rogers opened the network in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver, marking the next three major markets in Canada to get the carrier’s next-generation mobile network before the end of 2011. Users on the network should expect to see speeds more than double what 3G currently offers now.

Why the Slingbox is still cool

By Ted Kritsonis

It’s not often that a gadget or gizmo can turn three years old and still be cool without having a single hardware upgrade. The Slingbox’s Pro-HD model first came out in 2008, and though it hasn’t changed at all since, it still proves to be a nice addition to anyone’s tech lineup.