Tribute to Andrew J. White

By: Yasmin Ranade

December 15, 2009

President, ITWorld Canada: 1956-2009

Andrew J. White

Andrew J. White

Here I am at the launch of, and it only seems fitting that my first post be a tribute to Andy White, former ITWorld Canada President and COO, technology publisher, my manager and personal mentor and friend. Sadly, Andy passed away last week.

Andy was a visionary and an inspiring leader. His love for technology – all things that allowed humanity to work or play better, harder or faster – was magnanimous. He had an uncanny ability to see tech trends unfolding and to guide his team in creative ways to capitalize on them so that all Canadians would have the ‘right information at the right time’.

Andy was also well-liked. He was an insightful team builder and a savvy business man. A great listener and synthesizer of ideas, he thrived in bringing anything ‘new’ to fruition and was a great entrepreneur in his own right.

Personally, he motivated me to think about things with utmost originality. And, most recently encouraged me to continue with tech publishing in my own right, a work passion we shared. He would have liked to have followed our team on this adventure, I think.

“We’re only limited by our own imagination,” Andy often said. And, he is absolutely right.


  1. Rosina Tizard says:

    Yasmin – I see that you are a woman of passion and loyalty. Your tribute is moving. Glad to have met you and my heartfelt good wishes to you and your team.


  2. Kamal Singh says:

    Re: Tribute to Andrew J. White.
    *****Very well said…Very well read.

  3. E. Casey says:

    Andy White inspired Yasmin Ranada’s gratitude for his contributions and guidance. Andy left those around him better for having known him: there is no higher accolade.

  4. Bill Brydon says:

    All of us who worked for Andy will never forget his great courage and kindness, and his independence of spirit.

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