An Interesting Week for Google

By: Tim Teatro

March 15, 2010

Another exciting week in the company that doesn’t sleep.

google_logo_sm3Have you heard about Google DocVerse? As cool as Google docs is, it does have its limitations. Google has acquired DocVerse,  as a way for Microsoft Office users to use their copy of Office to work with their Google docs. So with DocVerse, you can edit in Office, and then sync the documents to the cloud. It’s pretty cool and works amazingly well. While this is clearly the smart move from Google, it’s also generally seen as their latest poke at Microsoft.

Google has also taken a cool feature away from Apple’s iPhone by purchasing and open sourcing reMail, a popular app that brings email to your iPhone with advanced search functionality, offline freedom and blazing speed. The app got pulled from the store, so it seems likely that Google wanted the developer, not the profit. My guess? We’ll see the functionality worked into Chrome OS and Android. I think the offline functionality is the attracting feature for these purposes.

While we’re on that topic, it looks like Google has also acquired Picnik. I didn’t understand this move at first, but Gina Trapani pointed out in this week’s TWiG, that Picnik will give Google bragging rights with an online based photo editor on Google Chrome.

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