Author Archives: Christine Persaud

The Tech Industry Can Learn From Women in Capital Markets

By Christine Persaud

Women in Capital Markets (WCM) believes that once women in senior leadership roles leave the industry for an extended period of time, they find it difficult to re-integrate. The non-profit advocacy organization is working to change that for women in the finance sector. But Jennifer Reynolds, CEO, talked to us about how the program is as applicable, and easily replicated, in industries that face similar barriers, like the technology sector.

5 Essential Apps for the Working Mother

By Christine Persaud
For many women, the demands of a career often come alongside the demands of a family. Organizing one’s life typically means a combination of planning for that big meeting or business trip while also making sure you make the PTA meeting, help the kids with their homework, and pick up groceries.

Women’s History Month is All Business for 2014

By Christine Persaud
It seems every month stands for something these days. February is Black History Month. May is ALS Awareness Month (though with the latest Ice Bucket Challenge, some may argue that August is far more suitable this year.) June is LGBT Pride Month. And in Canada, since 1992, October has been declared Women’s History Month. The hope with this year’s celebrations, says the Canadian Government, is to encourage more women to become entrepreneurs. But also to encourage women to become more interested and engaged in the sciences, business, technology, the trades, and natural resources.

Google’s Made With Code Inspires Young Girls

By Christine Persaud
We haven’t seen quite an effort to close the gender gap in the technology business like Google’s Made With Code. The company is using the program, launched this summer, to educate young girls about coding. And it’s no small feat: Google is investing $50 million over the next three years toward encouraging more female involvement in tech.

Four Standout Women in Tech for the 2014 Women of Influence Awards

By Christine Persaud

Each year for the past four, Women of Influence Inc. has been awarding the top 25 Women of Influence in Canada, celebrating female executives who have “made a significant difference in their field,” based on factors ranging from personal accomplishments, to board memberships, published works, and business deals initiative and/or led. Females are considered in business, health, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), professional services, and public sectors. And this year, there are four particular candidates that fall within the sphere of tech.

Best & Worst Cities for Working Women in Canada

By Christine Persaud
Women in the workforce still face a number of challenges. And according to a new study, those challenges can vary tremendously depending on where you live in Canada.

The study, released in April from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA), reveals the best and worst cities to be a working woman in Canada as compared to men.

Ubisoft & the Absence of the Female Game Character

By Christine Persaud
Last month at E3 in California, game maker Ubisoft found itself in trouble after addressing concerns about the absence of female game characters in its latest online edition of Assassin’s Creed (ironically called Unity), as well as Far Cry 4. The company justified the moves by indicating that it would have taken too much time and money to add a female character.

Effective Leaders Are Adopting More Female Attributes

By Christine Persaud
The idea of a strong leader has always been equated to traits like confidence, control, and the avoidance of showing signs of weakness. But, according to a new study, that’s changing. And the most effective leaders, whether male or female, are adopting more traditionally female-centric qualities.