About Lee Rickwood
Lee Rickwood covers developments in media and technology with particular interest in how such developments affect our social, political and economic activities and interactions.
by Lee Rickwood
There’s no final score in the match-up between sports purists and sabermetric stat heads, but one group may have all the results they could want.
Big data analysts.
by Lee Rickwood
Wherever human-computer interaction takes place, researchers and product specialists want to determine just how efficient or economical that contact is.
by Lee Rickwood
The project is making huge inroads in those faraway regions where we might expect power to be scarce or even unavailable, but it should be with some surprise if not embarrassment that the sustainable development targets could be here in Canada.
by Lee Rickwood
Despite changes in the company’s terms of use, an investigation into the privacy policies at a leading email service provider in Canada will continue.
When Canada’s broadcast and telecom agency asked for public input about whether the Internet should be regarded as a basic need, well, Canadians responded big time. More than 65,000 pages of submitted materials were received by the Canadian Radio-Television and…
by Lee Rickwood
A public talk about Google’s high-tech plans for a smart neighbourhood in Toronto will be held tonight, one in a series of planned consultations that organizers hope will address concerns and issues connected with a major techno-enabled urban revitalization proposal.
by Lee Rickwood
Yes, they are colourful and a little bit cutesy, but SmartGurlz robots are serious about encouraging girls to become tomorrow’s computer programmers.
by Lee Rickwood
Extremely important privacy questions about Facebook’s data sharing being investigated now echo those raised in 2008.