About Lee Rickwood
Lee Rickwood covers developments in media and technology with particular interest in how such developments affect our social, political and economic activities and interactions.
by Lee Rickwood
Small and large companies alike are providing a range of related services that target digital and social media users, using advanced data analytics to psychographically identify political beliefs and lifestyles.
by Lee Rickwood
There’s “a significant gap in protection of Canadians’ personal information south of the border” and Canada’s Privacy Commissioner is asking how and why.
by Lee Rickwood
Online food is estimated to be a $6 or $7 billion dollar industry in Canada, and reports show that Google searches for online food delivery options in Canada have increased by 258 per cent over the past four years!
by Lee Rickwood
More than 120 years ago, a “torrid tempo” of tech change was first cited as a potential threat to privacy and a driver of unrestrained surveillance.
by Lee Rickwood
Disruptive new immigration bans and restrictive visa proposals in the U.S. are said to be a boon for the Canadian tech scene, with observers anticipating a growing flow of skilled workers to this country who can’t, or won’t, head to the States. Yet cross-border collaboration in the tech industry is not going away.
by Lee Rickwood
Canadian high-tech companies are heading to Boston to develop and expand their wide-ranging product and service offerings: providing cannabis products or office workstations, enhancing meetings or identifying cancers.
by Lee Rickwood
In their desire to build on today’s most popular mobile activities, developers at a Canadian tech start-up are re-creating one of the oldest media experiences.
by Lee Rickwood
Work is hard enough these days, whether you’re toiling away in a crowded office, an empty basement or a remote location.