About Lee Rickwood
Lee Rickwood covers developments in media and technology with particular interest in how such developments affect our social, political and economic activities and interactions.
By Lee Rickwood
Although the new Canadian Copyright Act could still be amended, as tabled it includes provisions that will let you record radio, TV and Web content for your own personal use. It also allows you to make copies of content you have purchased – sometimes.
By Lee Rickwood
You’ve got an HDTV, it’s connected to the Web, your family and friends have gathered – but maybe there’s still something missing. Here are a few apps and accessories to complete the experience.
By Lee Rickwood
It may be one of the hottest tech topics today, but it is also a metaphor for things unknown, unseen or uncertain.
By Lee Rickwood
If there were only seven cell phone users in the entire world, this issue would not have the same ramifications or potential impacts.
But it seems like the goal is seven billion users – and in that light it does seem incumbent upon us to know about potential health risks, not to speculate or to wonder or to debate.
By Lee Rickwood
Targeting one of the world’s largest markets makes perfect sense, especially for mobile product and service developers. And especially for Canadian developers, who can capitalize on cultural, historic and now official government connections between the two countries.
by Lee Rickwood
Operators should be integrating social and mobile into their overall marketing plan, and then they must monitor and evaluate the options to determine which are most complimentary to their business growth strategy.
By Lee Rickwood
Added intelligence, new hardware and software tools make for better – if not safer – tablet typing.
by Lee Rickwood
If you want to see a truly modern Canadian mobile Internet and wireless broadband eco-system stretching from sea to sea to sea, how the auction plays out will be of tremendous importance.