Category: Featured

Drupal’s CMS powers travel and airport websites

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla Drupal’s free and open-source content management framework  powers 2.1 per cent of all websites and is also  making its mark in the travel industry.

Review: Slingbox M1 sticks to basic TV place-shifting

By Ted Kritsonis

The Slingbox has been a rare case in that it has essentially offered the same core functionality and gone through few makeovers, yet has evolved enough on both the hardware and software sides to make the cost of entry more affordable with the M1.

What’s your ‘ish’? wants to know

By Yasmin Ranade
I’m always intrigued by the entrepreneurial spirit. Entrepreneurs are those people who have passionate ideas that they just need to see shared and commercialized into action. Like … how about a review-based website where users in India comment, share, follow and rate their favourite things or ‘ish’?

Cloud Defense – Tips to secure your cloud services

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla There have been many recent cases of massive cloud service breaches and failures resulting in loss of privacy and personal information. Here are some tips to consider.

Prezi tries to instill life into presentations

By Ted Kritsonis

Presentation software has long been key to visualizing information for audiences, yet its evolution has seemed stunted by a lack of creative options to keep eyeballs engaged. Prezi has tried to change that by infusing animations that go beyond typical transitions and basic slides, but does it work the way it should?