ideacity Strikes a Human Chord at 15th Annual Conference
by Lee Rickwood
ideacity presentations are not structured in a formal sense, but certain common threads often connect one speaker with the next – watch out, you’ll get caught!
by Lee Rickwood
ideacity presentations are not structured in a formal sense, but certain common threads often connect one speaker with the next – watch out, you’ll get caught!
By Ted Kritsonis
Smartphones have reached the status of computers in a number of respects, ranging from their capabilities to the data they’re able to store. It’s that spectrum of ability and the personal nature of smartphone data that should compel you to back it up and avoid the calamity of losing it forever.
By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla Sony’s Xperia line of smarpthones have eveolved in features, size and there are now various versions that appeal to different users. We take a look at the Xperia Z2…
By Yasmin Ranade
In a roundtable interview with and other Canadian media at Dell’s Women’s Entrepreneur Network (DWEN) conference held in Austin Texas from June 1 – 3, Cheryl Cook,Vice President, Global Channels and Alliances at Dell, answered a variety of questions about her role at Dell, women in technology and mentorship.
By Ted Kritsonis
The disruptive nature of the Internet and mobile devices is such that it seems to creep into almost every piece of exchange between people, and point-of-sale (PoS) providers are a growing contingent. It has never been easier for small businesses and sole proprietors to accept payments from customers wielding credit and debit cards.
By Yasmin Ranade
Women leaders, mentors, mentees and entrepreneurs recently met at Dell’s Women’s Entrepreneur Network (DWEN) conference, “Bold Beginnings, Brave Futures: the Stories and Technologies Inspiring Global Entrepreneurs,” held from June 1-3 in Austin, Texas.
I had the opportunity to speak with Bobbie Dangerfield, Dell vice president, sales operations, about her executive role at Dell as well as mentorship.
While there’s always a chance to learn about cutting edge technologies at ideacity, the conference is also a place to connect with important ideas at the heart of our society, and new perspectives on the human condition.
by Lee Rickwood
By Ted Kritsonis
The Internet of Things may be a broad term, but there is no shortage of tech companies looking to grab a piece of its action, whatever it may be. Count BlackBerry among them, with its announcement of Project Ion, a vague encompassing name that promises to take a whole lot of data and disseminate it into chunks that will make sense on the other end.