Category: Featured

Why paying full price for your smartphone is a good idea

By Ted Kritsonis

Despite the fact three-year contracts offer more attractive upfront pricing for premium smartphones, the duration of the term could actually make the phone more expensive and difficult to resell.

Notebooks geared for Back to School

  By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla   With the Back to School season around the corner, the search for the ideal notebook for school becomes crucial. Here are some notebooks with the right mix of features and portability.

Google will now include Gmail messages in search results

By Ted Kritsonis

In an effort to offer more personalized results through its popular search engine, Google will now add information derived from a user’s Gmail messages to tie in any data related to a search request.

Router showdown: Western Digital My Net N900 vs. Cisco Linksys EA4500

By Ted Kritsonis

It’s still early, but the router, long the utilitarian device that does its job in keeping us connected, while collecting dust in the process, may actually become something cool. Western Digital’s My Net N900 and Cisco’s Linksys EA4500 are both two of the best routers available on the market, but how do they stack up against each other?