Category: Featured

Social Media Invades the Music Space

By Jessica Muhlbier

Probably the most wonderful and interesting uses of social media and music is during live music performances. With mass crowds, flashing cameras, and television screens galore, it’s the jackpot for online social engagement.

Can Social Media Cure Toronto’s Apathy?

by Lee Rickwood
Toronto should be the perfect city for it – after all, we have the most Facebook members, right?

But can social media cure political apathy? A newly-launched website is designed to do just that, and it’s called VO4TO. Say it fast and often enough, it sounds like a road to Rome.

Virgin Mobile’s HTC Legend: The unibody Android

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

An added plus is that the HTC Legend runs on the sweet looking Sense UI that offers up widgets and updates for news, weather and social media all atop of the Android OS. These widgets are intuitive, non-obtrusive and stylishly render as much information on the screen without looking too busy.

What will Netflix mean to Canadian viewing habits?

By Ted Kritsonis

Now that Netflix has announced its plan to roll out service to Canada (except for Quebec, temporarily), there is certainly a level of excitement for those with a thirst for content via the Internet, but the move also raises some questions on what the future of the rental market will be in Canada.

Apple Expo Canada 2010: Solutions for a growing tech market

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Apple is no longer a niche player in the business, it is now a market leader that has seen unparalleled success even in a down economy. Apple, whose market value of $222.1 billion surpassed even that of Microsoft last May.

iPhone 4 comes to Canada on July 30, bumper included

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla
iPhone 4 has sold three million units since its June release and is considered by Apple as its most successful product. Jobs stressed that since the reports of problems with the iPhone 4 came out, Apple has “been working our butts off,” to rectify the situation.

Review: Sony Ericsson Xperia X10

Text and photos by Ted Kritsonis

Sony Ericsson’s first true foray into the cutthroat smartphone wars is a solid effort that, despite using an older version of Android, still proves to be a capable device that offers some promise of what will be possible moving forward if proper improvements are made.

Adobe Lightroom 3: Power and simplicity for photographers

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Lightroom is divided into Library, Develop, Slideshow, Print and Web which cover everything you’d want to do with your digital photos. Most of the functions are clearly visible onscreen without the need to go digging through menus, which is great if you want to figure things out on your own.