Category: Featured

Sharp Quattron LED HDTV reviewed

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

The Sharp Quattron LE810 LED is a premium and high-quality HDTV set that speaks the language of colour so eloquently. The addition of yellow to the RGB we’re so used to does add a lot of depth, vibrance and realism depending on the scene.

Where to start with Search Engine Optimization

By Tim Teatro

Search engine optimization (SEO) has been an extremely hot topic for years now. […] Many companies specializing in SEO have sprung up; some of them making wild promises and others offering only to do what they can to make sure your ranking is as high as it can be. Where is the truth, and what can you do to optimize your own site?

Is this RIM’s answer to the iPad?

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

RIM’s own failed attempts to compete with the iPhone, the now discontinued BlackBerry Storm and BlackBerry Storm II reflect products that looked good on paper, managed to generate a lot of interest and hype but which were hindered by poor multi-touch implementation and kludgy hardware.

Unlocked Canadian iPhone 4 reviewed

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

We’re happy to report that so far, we’ve not seen the iPhone 4 signal bars go down during normal use. We did squeeze the bejesus out of it just to see if we could replicate the attenuation and we did manage to bring down two bars, but we were squeezing it with unnatural force., Canadian Twitter Competitor

By Tim Teatro

Identica simply has more features than Twitter and a public stream. With Twitter, if you have no followers, no one can hear you scream. With Identica, there are thousands of people watching the public stream, so if you say enough interesting things, someone will start following you.

Review: Cisco Valet Plus router ideal for basic access

Routers may be the conduits that feed us the bandwidth we need to work and play on the Internet, but they’ve traditionally been the type of gizmos that require a first-time setup, and then some updating and maintenance thereafter. Cisco,…

Wind Mobile, Mobilicity challenge Rogers budget prepaid brand ‘Chatr’

Text and photo by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Wind Mobile, together with Mobilicity and Public Mobile are new entrants in the wireless game and have been trying to compete with the big three by offering more affordable handsets and prepaid plans. Rogers Wireless also owns Fido and Chatr will be its third wireless cellular company.