Category: Featured

Review: WorldCard Mobile turns the iPhone into business card scanner

By Ted Kritsonis

While a signature and a handshake may be the one-two punch that seals a deal, it’s usually the business card that takes the primary role in setting the stage for such deals to take place. But the sheer number of business cards one can amass, even over a short period of time, can be managed much easier when the information can be digitized using the iPhone.

What the new Twitter has in store for you

By Ted Kritsonis

After four years, Twitter, a social networking site that took microblogging to the next level, went through a surprising makeover that started in the U.S. yesterday. The new look and features promise to make the whole Twitter experience “faster, easier and richer”.

Boxee Box coming to Canada in November

By Ted Kritsonis

With recent announcements surrounding Netflix, Apple TV and Bell and Telus offering Internet-enabled TV (IPTV), the idea of watching what you want, when you want is really starting to pick up steam. There will be a new player in that space with Boxee, a box that leverages the excellent free software currently available with hardware made by D-Link. Future Shop and Best Buy have announced that they will be selling the Boxee box in November.

Mobile Browser Shootout

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Mobile browsers have become the newest area of competition. We pit Safari, Opera Mini, Skyfire, Firefox Mobile and Internet Explorer against each other to determine which is best.