Category: Gadgets

High-Tech Toys on TV Inspire Gadget Gift-Giving Ideas

High-Tech Toys on TV Inspire Great Gadget- and Gift-Giving Ideas

by Lee Rickwood
Not all of the gadgets they will describe during a week of shows next week are available for purchase right now; some are more like inspirational ideas and teasers to the shape of tech things to come. Some are designed by major manufacturers to address real world problems; some are just fun ideas from imaginative inventors.

5 Simple Ways to Lock and Protect Data on a Phone

By Christine Persaud
We’ve moved well beyond the simple password and PIN for security of our electronic devices. And nowhere does that hold as true as when it comes to your phone.

Reviewing the Netatmo Healthy Home Coach

By Ted Kritsonis

Indoor air quality is sometimes worse than the pollution typically found outdoors, but it’s not always easy to tell that something toxic is permeating in a room. French manufacturer Netatmo new product in the Healthy Home Coach functions purely to alert consumers on what kind of bliss or squalor they’re breathing in on a daily basis.

Virtual Reality (VR) Arcade Takes Gaming Beyond Social Experience

Virtual Reality (VR) Arcade Takes Gaming Beyond Social Experience

by Lee Rickwood
It’s not only gaming and entertainment, of course: corporate applications like team-building and VR white-boarding; lifestyle activities including low-impact fitness and relaxation exercises; academic education and training, and more.