Category: Gadgets

Prezi’s new app Nutshell visualizes photos with graphics

By Ted Kritsonis

The makers of Prezi, the intuitive presentation software, have launched a mobile app called Nutshell that fuses together photos into a short video filled with text and graphics to add effect. The result can then be shared with others via social media or email and text messaging.

Canadian MPs Seek Warning Labels on Cellphones, Wi-Fi Devices

“Future research may indicate that long-term human exposure to these particular low-frequency characteristics should be avoided or carefully controlled” a scientist wrote in 1979.
Now, we’re looking at labelling.

by Lee Rickwood

Give unwanted tech away by Freecycling

By Ted Kritsonis

Electronics recycling programs have grown in number to tackle all the e-waste that has accumulated over time, but there is always the alternative of freecycling — giving away old electronics for free to strangers willing to take them.