Category: Gadgets

What CES 2014 may tell us about tech in the New Year

By Ted Kritsonis

The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas is coming up from Jan. 7-10 and as it usually does, the trade show introduces and foreshadows what is to come in the consumer tech world for the rest of the year. From bigger TVs, wearable gadgets and increasingly connected homes and cars, there will be plenty of possibilities once things kick off next week.

Samsung Galaxy Note Tablet and S Pen Offer Write Stuff

Like some desktops – OK, the old fashioned kind where pencils and paper live – the Samsung Note and its S Pen lets you write notes on screen, scribble drawings and save them, navigate the UI and much more.

Gift Guide: Gadgets under $100

By Ted Kritsonis

You can be forgiven for thinking that buying a tech gift for someone special this holiday season might burn a hole through your bank account, but it doesn’t have to be that way. For $100 or less, you can find a quality gadget that would not only make a great gift, but would be easy to put to good use as well.