Category: Women & Tech

The Knowledge Society: Empowering Canada’s Youth to be ‘Unicorns’

By Yasmin Ranade
In today’s world, if a teenager identifies an interest in a tech career, to be successful in tech at a global level requires an entrepreneurial mindset. Schools have a unique opportunity to adapt to the 21st century and expose teens to new career possibilities in tech, while developing the mindsets to be successful in this new industry,

International Women’s Day: A Tech Dropout Now Helps Women Become Boss!

By Yasmin Ranade
Alessia Citro is a self-claimed ‘corporate dropout’ from tech companies like Google, Salesforce, and Houzz. As part of our International Women’s Day and #BreakTheBias editorial series, Alessia’s experience and purpose shines a spotlight on entrepreneurial women who have had dynamic tech careers but are now tapping into personal business-building aspirations instead.

International Women’s Day: Bringing Inclusivity to Publishing

By Yasmin Ranade
Technology can underpin inclusivity, especially in online publishing. Reach, availability, (potentially) lower cost, content, and the medium of epublishing allows more people to share and access information, but is all digital content accessible to everyone?