Search Results for: refurbished

How-To: Windows 10 works wonders on older devices

Having used a recent Microsoft Surface Book for months before my ThinkPad with similar specs, I found performance on both to be about the same. Granted, I don’t do too many processor or memory intensive tasks on these devices, I felt that Windows 10 was fast and efficient on both devices.

Tips on Selling Your Old Phone

By Christine Persaud
Chances are you swap your phone out every three or four years. A recent Gallup survey found that 44% of Americans actually upgrade their smartphones as soon as they are permitted to do so in their carrier contract, which is typically every two years. But what do you do with your old device?

Taking a closer look at Rogers Next and Telus T-Up programs

By Ted Kritsonis

Now that Rogers has unveiled its Next program to cater to customers who want to upgrade their smartphone every 12 months, this new act of corporate generosity comes with some fine print that you should know before you decide to sign up.