Search Results for: smart technology

Valentine’s Day Tech Gift Ideas For Your Loved One

By Christine Persaud
Skip the usual items that will only serve as reminders of the things we can’t do right now. Instead, the most thoughtful Valentine’s Day gifts for 2021 will keep the pandemic in mind and consider ways to make life easier, fun, and relaxing while we spend more time at home.

Win a Samsung UV Sanitizer with Wireless Charging

Prize Value $69.99 Contest Closed Take advantage of wireless charging that sanitizes your phone and supported devices. Defend yourself against everyday germs with the help of the Samsung UV Sanitizer Case. It features dual UV lamps to sterilise your belongings…

The Top Tech Trends For 2021, According To CES 2021

By Christine Persaud
Whereas CES tech trends in previous years have included various product categories like smart home, large-screened TVs, and wireless headphones, this year, it’s all about technologies that will foster a new way of life.

Hot Tech Categories Fueled By The Pandemic Aren’t What You Think

By Christine Persaud
During a virtual keynote prior to CES 2021, at the Techfluence virtual media event, Stephen Baker, NPD’s Vice President, Industry Advisor of Technology & Mobile, touched on the a few of the most surprising trends for 2020 at both ends of the spectrum.