Search Results for: small business

With ‘Project Ion’, BlackBerry wants in on the Internet of Things

By Ted Kritsonis

The Internet of Things may be a broad term, but there is no shortage of tech companies looking to grab a piece of its action, whatever it may be. Count BlackBerry among them, with its announcement of Project Ion, a vague encompassing name that promises to take a whole lot of data and disseminate it into chunks that will make sense on the other end.

Investing in a Safe and Secure Canadian Internet

The implication is that we do not have such a safe secure and stable ‘Net here now – and there’s plenty of news reports and tech studies that seem to support that conclusion.
By Lee Rickwood

Apple buys Beats music and headphones businesses

By Ted Kritsonis

Confirming the rumour mill that had spinning for weeks, Apple announced today that it is acquiring Beats Electronics, bringing both the headphone and streaming music businesses into the fold at Cupertino that at $3 billion (U.S.), is the largest acquisition in Apple’s history.

5 Essential Apps for Business Women

By Christine Persaud

Obviously, apps aren’t really geared toward one sex or the other, unless they’re specific to biological functioning. But there are certain mobile productivity apps that, while having equal appeal to both males and females, can prove especially useful for the tech-savvy businesswoman. Here are 5 in particular that stand out.

Windows XP is being put to rest, forcing users to upgrade

By Ted Kritsonis

After the longest run of any operating system Microsoft has ever produced, Windows XP will basically be laid to rest on April 8, meaning that no further patches, updates or support will be forthcoming from the software giant. For users still clinging to the aged OS, upgrading to Windows 7 or 8 has become the only option, more or less.

What Does ‘Women in Tech’ Actually Mean?

By Christine Persaud
What Does ‘Women in Tech’ Actually Mean?
There are plenty of studies, stats, and infographics that suggest there aren’t enough women in tech, and women aren’t pursuing technical careers, coupled with a variety of proposed reasons as to why. But are these analyses technically (forgive the pun) correct? Or can they be misinterpreted?