Entranceway Technology Opens Door to Safer Reopenings
by Lee Rickwood
Technology offers greater capabilities to manage and control the retail space in the midst of a global pandemic.
by Lee Rickwood
Technology offers greater capabilities to manage and control the retail space in the midst of a global pandemic.
by Lee Rickwood
AGE-WELL aims not only to get products to market that are practical and useful, but also to ensure that privacy, ethical and regulatory issues are not ignored along the way.
by Lee Rickwood
It’s clear that our cities need an upgrade; Time for version 2.0! Equity, accessibility, health, safety, and security are smart new features we could all use.
by Lee Rickwood
Well-planned and well-delivered online learning experiences are meaningfully different from courses offered online in response to a crisis or disaster.
by Lee Rickwood
Thanks to the nurturing soils of a local tech incubator, a Canadian tech start-up is using advanced drone technology to fight climate change by planting trees – millions and millions of them.
by Lee Rickwood
Risks from the killer disease known as COVID-19 are keeping most of us at home, increasingly tied to our computers and mobile devices as the main or only source of connectivity. But that only makes our connected gadgets more vulnerable to their own infectious viruses.
by Lee Rickwood
Interactive 3-D virtual tours and VR experiences let you visit your favourite art gallery or museum from the comfort — and safety — of your own home.
by Lee Rickwood
Any device that can eliminate awkward conversations or anxious discrepancies about just what two metres really means is more than welcome.