Tag: data protection

Deep Learning Summit Coming to Toronto in October

By Yasmin Ranade
The Deep Learning Summit is returning to Toronto from October 25 – 26, 2018 and will cover the latest advancements in deep learning technology.  The first ever AI for Government Summit, another event stream, will provide a unique opportunity to interact with government bodies, policymakers, strategists and directors of innovation to explore the use of machine learning to increase efficiency, reduce costs and meet the high demands of the public sector.

digital lock and key graphic

Find Out About Digital Privacy at Public Library

by Lee Rickwood
The public library is a great place to get information about digital privacy and online security. Talks, lectures and a full day of digital privacy and online security sessions are being staged in Toronto.

Standards and Ethics a Much-Needed Response to Tech Advances, AI Developments

by Lee Rickwood
Today’s information and technology ecosystem is already transforming the way governments, businesses and private citizens live, work and perhaps even think, so “the ethical use of AI and data will be critical not only for our future economy, but how we function as a society.”

AI, Machine Learning, Big Data Analysis Help You Decide What to Wear

by Lee Rickwood
Artificial intelligence can positively influence the future of fashion, but it is also showing interesting parallels between the use of big data to analyze, even create, fashion trends and the use of big data to analyze, even influence, voter habits.


Are You GDPR Compliant? Good, Because More New Data Protection Regs are Coming

By Lee Rickwood
May 25 was the date the General Data Protection Regulation came into effect in the European Union; any company or corporation that collects or stores the private data of European citizens must comply with the GDPR. That includes Canadian companies, be they start-up or multi-national: any company that collects data on an EU citizen must comply with the new rules. Stiff fines are the alternative.