Digital Safety Strategies a Classroom Topic for Young Canadians
A new cyber-safety program for kids offers tips on how to keep personally identifiable information (PII) private – they surely need ’em.
By Lee Rickwood
A new cyber-safety program for kids offers tips on how to keep personally identifiable information (PII) private – they surely need ’em.
By Lee Rickwood
By applying advanced cognitive computing and big data analytics capabilities, physicians can make evidence-based treatment decisions with speed and confidence, leading to better outcomes and less recidivism for patients.
By Lee Rickwood
“More and more Canadians are seeing through their government’s deceit and obfuscation,” Glenn Greenwald said in advance of his visit here, “and I’m eagerly anticipating this opportunity to contribute to that debate.”
by Lee Rickwood
Another technology from the school of double edged swords has made it to the marketplace, one with capabilities for uses both good and bad, seemingly dependant on the operator but certainly enabled by commercial competitiveness and technological capability.
by Lee Rickwood
Beyond its written warnings and extensive print resources, the office has now created – a first for the Commissioner – a graphic novel to help young Canadians better understand and manage online privacy issues.
Without your explicit permission, commercial electronic messages cannot be sent to you. If you say, ‘Hey, telemarketers, don’t call me’, they should not call you. If you say, ‘I don’t want your e-mails’, they shouldn’t send you any.
by Lee Rickwood
The implication is that we do not have such a safe secure and stable ‘Net here now – and there’s plenty of news reports and tech studies that seem to support that conclusion.
By Lee Rickwood
Today, our awareness of online privacy and personal data protection issues are much greater, more worrisome, and fuelled by daily revelations about online spying, unwarranted surveillance and the loss of control of our digital identity.
by Lee Rickwood