Author Archives: Lee Rickwood

About Lee Rickwood

Lee Rickwood covers developments in media and technology with particular interest in how such developments affect our social, political and economic activities and interactions.
Do Facebook Ad Blockers Cause ‘Fake News’?

Do Facebook Ad Blockers Cause ‘Fake News’?

by Lee Rickwood
Content that fits expectations and existing worldviews will be shared more often than content that challenges or undermines existing prejudices and preconceptions.

Data Privacy and Protection Need More than a Day

by Lee Rickwood
Data privacy and protection is about each one of us having something to protect, and that something is the safety and usability and future of the Internet. A number of events and activities are planned on and around January 28 in order to raise awareness about the need for data privacy and protection and to provide handy tips to do so.

High-Tech Tools Reveal Small Wonders, Big Ideas

High-Tech Tools Reveal Small Wonders, Big Ideas in Virtual Reality

by Lee Rickwood
A lot of today’s VR experiences are fictional, dramatic, even fantastical in their role play opportunities. But this is not a VR game, and it’s not a first-person shoot ‘em up: it’s a techno-enabled investigation of actual history and real culture.