About Lee Rickwood
Lee Rickwood covers developments in media and technology with particular interest in how such developments affect our social, political and economic activities and interactions.
by Lee Rickwood
Canadian businesses believe that cyberattacks are on the rise, but they don’t spend enough time and money to mitigate against them. That’s a scary situation.
by Lee Rickwood
In the Summit spotlight were a number of Canadian technologies set to turn the global energy, environment, healthcare, citizenship and financial sectors upside-down.
by Lee Rickwood
It’s a bonus to be able to see and virtually tour a prospective investment property, and bringing in financial data and analytic capabilities into a new mobile app is key.
by Lee Rickwood
Canada’s Annual Privacy Report includes recommendations for legislative reform and other solutions to help Canadians better control how their personal information is collected and used.
by Lee Rickwood
Smart home technology options let users manage their home energy usage and keep tabs on other smart home devices with Web and mobile applications.
by Lee Rickwood
New devices will evaluate your sweat with electric signals that measure and detect things like glucose, lactate, sodium and potassium levels, and the capabilities are but a short step away from tracking a user’s emotional as well as physical health.
by Lee Rickwood
…[W]hile a debate about the copyright fees associated with downloading the latest tune from a successful music icon may seem self-serving if not socially irrelevant, the costs associated with getting a university degree can have much greater significance.
by Lee Rickwood
It’s like a new online game: the user with the best clicking strategy wins! They get the maximum possible privacy, while still getting the best utility from all sources.