About Lee Rickwood
Lee Rickwood covers developments in media and technology with particular interest in how such developments affect our social, political and economic activities and interactions.
By Lee Rickwood
Sure, it’s great to share – in many ways, sharing is a core human activity. We can all learn and grow and gain insight equally, if and when information is shared equitably.
By Lee Rickwood
Canadians enjoy the fastest, most widely available and least expensive Internet in the developed world, according to a new broadband report. But those findings run counter to the experiences of Canadian Internet subscribers.
By Lee Rickwood
We are all players in the “Privacy Theatre”, living in an online world that shows only a pretense of privacy behind the curtain.
By Lee Rickwood
Hundreds of citizen journalists and videographer activists provided live video during the Occupations – streaming if not actually televising their ‘revolution’.
By Lee Rickwood
Canada continues to put out the hardware, software and wetware that are key to the success of the global consumer electronics industry.
So let’s hold CES here next year, eh?!?
By Lee Rickwood
The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is as much about the provider as it is the consumer, and it has as much to offer the high tech industry in specific as it does the consumer marketplace in general.
By Lee Rickwood
Digital achievement in Canada is an ‘all-ages show’; there are award presentations for high schoolers, and for working professionals in the industry. And they are both called ‘The DIGIs’.
By Lee Rickwood
One way to choose among new camcorders is by price; a more effective but admittedly less sexy method is to read the user manual.