Author Archives: Ted Kritsonis

Review: Palm Pre 2 a decent phone, but webOS 2.0 shines brighter

By Ted Kritsonis

In a slightly surprising launch, HP puts out its first phone under the Palm brand since acquiring the company earlier this year. The Palm Pre 2 is an intriguing device on paper, but it’s the software inside that makes more of a compelling case than the hardware itself.

Looking into Acer’s Iconia and its dual 14” touchscreens

By Ted Kritsonis

Being the number two PC manufacturer in Canada, Acer unveiled its plans to release tablet devices and a new laptop that will sport dual 14” touchscreen displays at an event earlier this week in New York. The tablets will certainly make news when they finally launch, but perhaps the more intriguing innovation was that of the Iconia, a new laptop that will sport dual 14” touchscreens.

Fotobounce 3.1 plugs some big holes, but a few more tweaks needed

By Ted Kritsonis

Face recognition is fast becoming a staple of photo editing software because of the simple fact that it helps organize growing libraries of digital photos. The latest version of Fotobounce fills in some crucial gaps in organizing and sharing full resolution photos, but some extra tweaks would’ve made this update even better.

Phone plans and VoIP options for your home-based business

By Ted Kritsonis

Running a business from home can not only provide flexibility and confidence, but it can also prove to be very rewarding and fulfilling. Of course, there are obvious challenges to streamlining resources enough to keep operating costs down, and since the phone is so crucial to communicating, we focus on some of the best options out there.

20 free web-based tools a small business should use

By Ted Kritsonis

Running a small business naturally requires that you make the most of the resources you have. If any of those can be had for little to no cost — and they get the job done right — then it’s hard not to buy into using them. It’s with that in mind that we’ve assembled this list of handy office tools.

Is the iPhone 4 worth the upgrade?

Video featuring Ted Kritsonis

Apple’s iPhone 4 may have been out in Canada for over two months, but the question of whether to upgrade to it is still one worth answering.

Review: BlackBerry Torch a promising start to something bigger

Text and photos by Ted Kritsonis

Having just been released in Canada after a month-long stint south of the border, the BlackBerry Torch had been highly anticipated for what it represented — the debut of BlackBerry 6 and a serious attempt at a touch-based handset. The result is not a slam dunk, by any means, but rather a cautious step forward that might signal something bigger to come.

Netflix launches streaming service in Canada

By Ted Kritsonis

While not unexpected, given the announcement two months ago of its impending entry into Canada, Netflix has officially launched its streaming service in Canada. The service is up and running and Canadians can take advantage of a 30-day trial before committing to a monthly subscription.