The Sociability of Social Networking Services – Thumbs Up or Down?
Asked about online preferences, many Canadians say they’d rather have a few close friends than a large network of social network contacts.
by Lee Rickwood
Asked about online preferences, many Canadians say they’d rather have a few close friends than a large network of social network contacts.
by Lee Rickwood
It’s the start of a new version of the Internet, one in which a whole new standard of operation begins to become a normal part of the online and mobile experience.
By Lee Rickwood
By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla Google Drive is a free synching and file storage service that is the foundation for a comprehensive cloud service. Google’s big cloud initiative is starting to form more cohesively.
By Hessie Jones
As the Web evolves, it allows people to display their opinions more transparently than ever before. And many of those who have the most to say are speaking as customers.
By Hessie Jones
Facebook’s shocking $1billion purchase of Instagram solidified one of the hottest social trends: Photo images have huge engagement value over text. Another photo site, Pinterest, has recently been commanding the airwaves, claiming 10 million users and “the fastest growing standalone site ever”.
By Hessie Jones
Businesses now know that they have to adapt to the demands of social media and somehow incorporate its elements into corporate structure and operations. A major question within many companies is, Who takes the lead? More and more it has to be people who deal with customers.
Saving a few seconds during a snow storm, being less obvious or intrusive during a business meeting, just being safe and secure on the way home after a night of partying are all good reasons to click for a cab.
By Lee Rickwood
Text and photos by Ted Kritsonis
SHANGHAI – From HP’s perspective at its Global Influencer Summit in Shanghai, it seems that a world without print of any kind would be a lifeless, colourless existence devoid of any livable character, and while there is anecdotal evidence supporting that, it’s still not clear what this all means for the average consumer.