New era of LTE wireless begins in Canada
By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla
Canadians can enjoy increased high speed connectivity now that Rogers, Bell and Telus are all offering LTE (Long Term Evolution) data speeds and corresponding mobile devices.
By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla
Canadians can enjoy increased high speed connectivity now that Rogers, Bell and Telus are all offering LTE (Long Term Evolution) data speeds and corresponding mobile devices.
By Lee Rickwood
Sure, it’s great to share – in many ways, sharing is a core human activity. We can all learn and grow and gain insight equally, if and when information is shared equitably.
By Ted Kritsonis
Apple’s Find My iPhone is one of those lifesaving apps for your iPhone that you hope you never have to use, but in the chance you do, you hope it pulls off miracles. In what was a very personal story for me, I recount how I was able to help track down the thief who stole a friend’s iPhone this past New Years Eve.
By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla
New leadership. It is the biggest indicator that a troubled company is committed to fix things. Sony has gone to Kazuo Hirai to help steer the course.
By Lee Rickwood
Canadians enjoy the fastest, most widely available and least expensive Internet in the developed world, according to a new broadband report. But those findings run counter to the experiences of Canadian Internet subscribers.
By Hessie Jones
In its quest to become more social…. correction….in its quest to be perceived as being social, Google has run into stumbling blocks. In the end the consumer loses out.
By Lee Rickwood
We are all players in the “Privacy Theatre”, living in an online world that shows only a pretense of privacy behind the curtain.
By Tim Teatro
Gravatar enabled sites are common place these days. Blogs, forums, social media and public opinion sites can display your customised image with your content which uniquely identifies you.