Category: Business

Virtual CES 2021 Is An Admirable Pivot, But The Show Won’t Be The Same

By Christine Persaud
I have to hand it to the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), organizers and producers of CES, for pivoting so quickly to offer a full digital event this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. CES is an important event and the wonder it brings to the industry is needed more than ever this year. How will it all go? Events commence the week of January 11, 2021, so it’s too early to tell.

Remote Working Applications Drive Growth for Canadian Entrepreneurs

By Yasmin Ranade
Entrepreneurs are seeking digital solutions that help them to thrive as largely virtual businesses these days, and to eliminate barriers for international work. One such business is, an Ottawa-based consulting firm and international AI-lab, which builds predictive models for the life science industry.

person seated with laptop, surruouneded by graphics related to onine safety

How to Protect Your Privacy Online – Even if the Law Doesn’t

by Lee Rickwood
Without tough laws to level today’s digital playing field, data privacy and security disputes can pit people against corporations (or their own governments). The legal, financial and administrative muscle the enterprise can muster far outstrips that of most individuals to protect themselves.

keyboard has digital rights key

New Privacy Laws Coming to Canada

by Lee Rickwood
Under the new Act, Canadians could demand that their information on social media platforms, such as Facebook or Twitter, be permanently deleted. And the country’s privacy commissioner could order them to comply.

Virtual STEM Program for Girls

By Yasmin Ranade
To provide youth the opportunity to explore the world of science, technology, trades, engineering, and mathematics, the Canadian Association for Girls In Science (CAGIS) has launched a new national membership program for girls and gender non-binary your age 7 – 16.

How Cybercriminals Try To Extort Victims Online

By Christine Persaud
Cybersecurity is a growing concern, especially as we rely more and more on digital channels to communicate with one another. cybercriminals are getting more and more clever in their tactics, and we’re seeing new methods emerge, especially when it comes to monetary extortion.